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  Moriskentänzer DEUR: 23 products

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Moriskentänzer DEUR

The Morris dancers were carved for the dance hall of the city of Munich in 1477.
This Ballroom had to meet the manifold tasks of representation of the city.
The figures are from the hand Erasmus Grasserś of 1450 in Burglengenfeld Schmid Mills was born, came around the year 1475 to Munich. In spite of the opposition of the Guild's very soon brought Garcia to the master and already in 1476 was commissioned to create the new Munich City coat of arms.
When Garcia started in 1477 the Morris dancers, the new Munich Town Hall, built by Jörg von Habbach in the years 1470-1474, ready became straight. Grasser created 16 figures of the still 10 are preserved.
The Morris dancers embody a type of dance that is created not on German soil. They attributed to the Moriscos, the descendants of the Spanish Moors. The dance came from there via France and England to Germany and has is proven very popular. In the Center was a woman - as luck or may Queen who offered an Apple or ring and thus himself as a prize. A fool, as well as musicians were part of the escort of the desirable, feminine essence. And now these figures are in the course of time lost.
The dance reveals lust for life. Energy, momentum, and lightness. The smooth power of the dancers is expressed in the different ways to express themselves: ecstatic, ecstatic, picturesque and represents also the different types of city dwellers and farmers in the individual manifestations of individual dancers. The dance is preserved until today.
Garcia received 172 Rhenish guilder, at that time a fortune for the 16 figures of his time. He was certainly the wohlhabenste under his artist colleagues and was regarded as one of the city's richest citizens. Grasser died in April or may of 1518.